
#Porthos Application Meta

#Co2 Reduction

#Storage Beneath North Sea

#Co2 Transfer From Port Of Rotterdam

#Storing Co2 In Empty Gas Fields

#Reducing Green House Gases

#Capture And Storage Co2

#Collective Pipeline For Companies

#Pressurating Co2

#Compressor Station

#NorthSea Platform

#Sealed Reservoir

#Onshore Transport

#Cooling Water Pumps

#Reusing Former Gas Platform

#Injection Wells

#Remote Control

#System Management

#Reservoir Monitoring

#Field Pressure

#Wells Monitoring

#Wells Sealing

#Open Access System

#Oil Refinery

#Chemical Industry

#Offshore Storage

#Onshore Pipeline Construction

#Rotterdam Port Area

#Permit Procedures

#Installation Design

#Expression Of Interest Procedure

#Joint Development Agreement


#Transload Facility

#Carbon Capture Utilisation Storage (CCUS)

#Trapping Carbon Dioxide

#Carbon Dioxide Equivalent (CO2e)

#Carbon Footprint

#Carbon Market

#Carbon Dioxide Removal (CDR)

#Carbon Sink

#Circular Economy

#Chloro Fluoro Carbons (CFC)

#Carbon Credit

#Carbon Offset

#Sea-going vessel


#Inland vessel




#Information Exchange

#Digital Port

#Climate-neutral Port

#Ship building and repair

#Superyacht building and repair